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IDWedgeKB Virtual Com Port Driver inf installation Windows 10 x64

Installing IDWedgeKB Virtual Serial Port on Win10 Pro x64

This assumes the USBSerialPort parameter has been set to true in the config.txt file inside the IDWedgeKB memory.

See the user manual for details.

Copy inf files from IDWedgeKB drive to desktop

Plug in IDWedgeKB – if the PC asks for the device drivers, point the installer to the Win 7_8_10_r3 cat folder in the inf files folder.


If the PC does not ask for drivers, then the directions below show how to update the driver after the PC has finished trying to recognize the IDWEdgeKB.

The PC did not ask for inf file or device drivers, so wait for it to finish installation process.





Open the device manager and look for yellow triangles indicating unrecognized device.

Note new unrecognized device “USB” in device manager.

The USB Vendor Identification number is 2D94 as shown below

Click the update device driver button


Update Driver – Click Browse my computer and select inf files directory copied to desktop

Locate inf files – make sure include subfolders check box is clicked.


Locate directory with inf files


Hit NEXT PC should file the appropriate inf file

Click install


Go back to device manager and see under port a new COM device i.e. COM 3 should be installed.

Note this COM number as it will be required when opening a serial port.

That’s it, port should be installed.

End of Process

Updated on December 31, 2020

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