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  4. IDVisor Z22 Mobile MSR Touch 12Volt Power Supply on Amazon
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  4. IDVisor Z22 Mobile MSR Touch 12Volt Power Supply on Amazon

IDVisor Z22 Mobile MSR Touch 12Volt Power Supply on Amazon

For those interested in buying a 12Volt 1Amp power supply compatible with IDVisor Z22 Mobile or IDVisor Z22 MSR or IDVisor Touch , here is a link to a product on Amazon.

The power supply must be 12V DC – Center Positive with 1000 mA (1A) or more output.  The Connector is a 5.5 mm barrel jack.


iMBAPrice® 12V DC Wall Power Adapter – 5.5mm x 2.1mm plug 1A(1000MA) UL Listed Power Supply


Definition of Center Positive: The center of the plug is plus and the outer ring is negative.

Center Positive

Updated on December 31, 2020

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