This page is for PC/Windows users who are having issues with a HotSync.
Assuming the Palm Desktop has installed OK, below are some simple steps that we ask customers to try.
- Turn on your PC Speakers.
- The PC will make a ‘Da-Dunk’ sound when it recognizes the Scanner via the USB port. If you do not hear the ‘Da-Dunk’ sound when the scanner cable is inserted or connected to the PC and your speakers are on, refer to Troubleshooting Question 1 below.
- Play the WinXP Insert Sound (wav file)
- Play the Vista Insert Sound (wav file)
- Disconnect USB Hotsync Cable, Reboot PC and Perform Soft Reset on Scanner.
- After a clean reboot and verifying the speakers are on, plug the ID scanner into the PC.
- The PC will make a ‘Da-Dunk’ sound when it recognizes the Scanner via the USB port
- The Z22 ID Scanner will make a short beep and power up.
- If you do not hear the ‘Da-Dunk’ sound when the scanner cable is inserted or connected to the PC, refer to Troubleshooting Question 1 below.
Assuming the Palm Desktop software has been installed and the HotSync manager is running (look for HotSync icon in system tray located at bottom right of the screen), it is time to perform the first HotSync which will ‘synchronize’ the data between the handheld and the Palm Desktop. Place the handheld in the HotSync cradle or connect it to the PC with a HotSync cable and initiate a HotSync by tapping on the HotSync Icon (Z22 units) or press the HotSync Button (Handspring units).
Troubleshooting Question 1:
When you press the HotSync icon on your Palm device’s screen, does a HotSync window open on your desktop PC? (Note: You should also hear the ‘Da-Dunk’ sound before tapping the HotSync icon)
- YES: Skip to Troubleshooting Question 2.
- NO: Your desktop computer doesn’t respond; you may see an alert message. Perform each of the steps below, in order. After each step, try to sync. If it works, you’ve solved the problem and don’t need to try the next step.
Is HotSync Manager on? 
Look for the Hotsync Manager Icon in the bottom right corner of the PC screen. If not there, turn it on by going to the Start Menu, Programs, Palm/Handspring folder and double clicking on it. Before you can synchronize, this software needs to be running.
HotSync configuration – USB Checked?
Make sure your HotSync software is correctly configured. Right click on the HotSync Manger Icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. A menu should pop up showing Local USB, Local, Modem, Network, etc. Make sure USB or Local USB is checked (USB should be checked if using the USB cable or USB HotSync Cradle).
Try HotSyncing again. If this doesn’t work, exit the HotSync Manager and restart the HotSync Manager.
To restart, click on Start, All Programs, select Palm or Handspring Folder and find the HotSync Icon.
Disconnect & Reconnect the ID Scanner
Just disconnect the HotSync cable, wait 10 – 20 seconds and connect it again. Don’t press the HotSync button until 10 – 20 seconds have elapsed. Give the PC a chance to recognize the Palm and install any device drivers.
You should hear a ‘Da-Dunk’ sound from the PC (if sound is turned on) plus a ‘beep’ from the Palm when connecting the USB cable. The ‘Da-Dunk’ sound is the PC recognizing the Palm device. Wait until you hear this “Da-Dunk” sound before hitting the HotSync Icon on the scanner.
Are you using the USB HotSync cable that came with ID Scanner?
We’ve seen some folks use USB cables from other devices. Most of the time they work but some seem to cause problems. Please use the cable that came with the Scanner.
Check for loose USB cable where it plugs into ID Scanner:
Try pushing in the cable (all the way) where it goes into the ID scanner. If the PC makes the ‘Da-Dunk’ sound (see above tip on turning on the sound), then the cable was not fully inserted or the connector needs to be tightened. Note: we find many problems are solved by ensuring the cable is pressed all the way in.
Check for lint or other particles on the HotSync connector on your Palm device. Blow on the connector (or use canned air) to remove any debris.
Try using a DIFFERENT USB HotSync cable.
We’ve seen some problems fixed by trying a different USB cable. Sometimes the characteristics of USB port+USB cable+IDScanner USB port are such that just trying a different cable resolves the problem.
Are you logged into PC using same PC login user name used during Palm Desktop Install?
You must be a user with Administrative rights/privileges and be the SAME user who was logged into the PC during the Palm Desktop install. To check, right click on the HotSync icon and view the log. If there is no history AND you’ve HotSynced before, then you’ll need to log out and log back in using the correct user name.
HotSync Set to Local on Palm
On the Palm HotSync Screen, make sure it’s set to Local and NOT Modem.
Are you using Windows Vista?
See this page for information on Vista.
Shut down and re-start the HotSync Manager
Sometimes the HotSync manager just needs to be closed and restarted. Right click on the HotSync manager in the system tray (bottom right corner of the PC screen), click Exit. Then restart the HotSync Manager – click on Start button, All Programs, select Palm or Handspring Folder, select the HotSync Icon.
Perform a soft reset on the Handheld:
This is a great trick for solving a number of problems. See below and hardware manual for details.
Alarms pending?
If any Calendar, To Do, SMS, MMS, voicemail, email or other alarms are awaiting a response from you on the screen, select “Clear” to dismiss them.
Using a USB hub?
Remove USB cable from USB hub and connect directly to PC.
Try a different USB port on the PC
Remove USB cable from the PC, wait 20 seconds and then plug into a different port on the PC. Wait 10 – 20 seconds for the PC to recognize the new hardware. In the bottom right corner of the PC screen, look for a message like “Found new hardware”, “Installing Drivers”, or “Device Installed and Ready”. Once the device is ready, tap on the HotSync Icon on the ID Scanner screen and wait for a message box on the PC indicating that a HotSync is started.
Re-Install the Palm Desktop software
Sometimes simply re-installing this software solves your issue. If there is any anti-virus software, remove/disable before re-installing Palm Desktop. We have seen some anti-virus software cause trouble with the install process.
Reboot PC:
This is a great trick for solving a number of problems that ensures the USB port and hardware are ready to recognize the new Palm Hardware when plugged in.
Try Palm Desktop 6.2 (on Win2000 and WinXP)
If you have no other choice, try the Palm Desktop 6.2 on a Windows XP or Windows 2000 machine. The MemoPad2CSV software will not work with Palm Desktop 6.2 but you can still export the data manually from the Palm Desktop – see the IDVisor™ Software User manual for details.
Try a different PC:
For reasons yet unknown, we have found PCs which refuse to HotSync. Many times this is due to running a Digital Video Recorder like GeoVision and/or Point of Sale software with bar code reader, check reader, cash register all running off the USB ports. These applications assume full control of all the PC hardware. If you are running a video recorder or a Point of Sale software solution, then try installing the Palm Desktop on another PC.
(Older Mobile Z22 Units – Pre June 2007) Is the Wall Charger Connected to IDVisor™ Z22 Mobile?
Remove the Wall Charger from the IDVisor™ Z22 while HotSyncing, remove & reinsert USB cable. The Wall Charger must be removed when connecting with a PC.
Click Here for Advanced Troubleshooting for WinXP
Troubleshooting Question 2:
When you press the HotSync button on your device’s cable/cradle, does the HotSync operation complete successfully?
- YES, but you can’t find the data on your desktop computer: Skip to Troubleshooting Question 3.
- NO: If the HotSync operation begins on your desktop computer but fails before it finishes, try these remedies in order. After each step, attempt another HotSync operation. If the HotSync succeeds, you have resolved the problem and do not need to try the next step.
Is the HotSync cable coming loose?
If so, try again and don’t touch the cables.
HotSync Log:
Check the HotSync log for synchronization errors and other useful diagnostics.
In the log file, check to see where the HotSync process is stopping. If there is an error message on the memo application, there are probably too many memos present on the PC and in the Scanner.
If there are 12,000+ memos in the Palm Desktop, then export the transaction (see software user manual for steps), DELETE these memos in the Palm Desktop and perform another HotSync. After the HotSync, you may need to export these new memos, delete and perform one last HotSync.
Alternatively, using the ChangeName software on the IDScanner, change the HotSync name on the scanner and then when the HotSync window on the PC opens, it will say ‘Create a new account on this PC?’; answer yes. This will create a new HotSync account on the PC and then all the data from the scanner will be transferred into this new account. This works because the PC does not have any old data to transfer back into the scanner which is what sometimes causes the unit to quit while syncing the memos.
Troubleshooting Question 3:
Does the HotSync operation seem to complete, but your data does not appear where you expect it to be?
Try these remedies in order.
In the Palm Desktop program, Click on the Memopad Icon – left side of the screen – look for the same memos or transactions as shown on the device when you press the view data button on the device.
In the Palm Desktop program, click the pull down menu item in the top right corner and make sure the same user or HotSync user name as the device just HotSynced is displayed.
Do you have both Palm Desktop and Microsoft Outlook on your PC?
You may be synchronizing with the Outlook. Reconfigure the HotSync manager to HotSync with the Palm Desktop. To reconfigure, Press Start, All Programs, Open the Palm Folder, open the PIM Conduit Sync folder. Two options will display: “Sync with Outlook” and “Sync with Palm Desktop”; select the “Sync with Palm Desktop” option. See screen shot below.
Note: If you’re using Palm Desktop 4.01, then go to the CardVisor User Manual for details on removing PocketMirror from the installed software. Once PocketMirror is removed for the PC, then the Palm Desktop will no longer sync with Microsoft Outlook.
Do you have Hide Private Memos Checked in Palm Desktop?
Uncheck Hide Private Memos to view.