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  4. How to backup and restore IDwedgePro formulas

How to backup and restore IDwedgePro formulas

How to backup formula files before re-install the IDwedgePro software.

There are two cases.

  1. IDWedgePro is still operating properly on the target machine.
  2. IDWedgePro is not working properly, but the SuperIDWedge.sdf file can be accessed in the C:\tokenworks\idwedgepro directory.

Instruction for the Backup and Restore of the formula file for IDWedgePro when IDWedgePro is operating correctly.

Step1: From the Main form, select Settings->Backup/Restore

Step2: Click Backup Formulas button, using the default path of C:\Tokenworks\IDWedgePro\Backup,

This will create a backup file:

Step3: If you are backing up the formulas because you are going to format your hard drive, or change operating systems,

Copy the file: SuperIDWedge_xxx_xxx.sdf to a different drive or removable media.


Step4: To restore your formulas, repeat step 1, only this time, click Restore Formulas,

A file dialog will open to the backup folder:

Click on the archive to restore or navigate to the media that contains the archive and select the SuperIDWedge_xxx_xxx.sdf file and click open.


You will see a dialog box asking if you want to proceed:

Click Yes, you will see a confirmation dialog box:

Click OK, You have just restored your formulas.

Instruction for Backup and Restore of the formula file for IDWedgePro when IDWedgePro is not operating correctly.

  1. Copy the SuperIDWedge.sdf   in the C:\tokenworks\idwedgepro directory to desktop or documents directory.
  2. Install new copy of IDwedgePro software to default location – C:\tokenworks\idwedgepro
  3. Copy the SuperIDWedge.sdf  previously saved to desktop or documents directory back to C:\tokenworks\idwedgepro directory.

Step three will overwrite the default version of SuperIDWedge.sdf  with version with latest formula.

Updated on December 31, 2020

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